University of Geneva


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Expected results


The ACCEPT project will deliver major impact in European, commercial, scientific, and social dimensions.

The European aspects of the project are clear; the project’s focus on enabling MT for the emerging community content paradigm will allow citizens across the EU better access to communities in both commercial and non-profit environments. It will also make companies in Europe better able to engage with their customers across the language barrier, making them more competitive and allowing them to expand more quickly across Europe. This will bring appreciable industrial and commercial impact - which can be easily exploited by the project partners.

Scientific and technical innovation are at the core of the ACCEPT project. Process optimisation involves the removal of bottlenecks through technical innovation. This technical innovation in the areas of editing for SMT and in SMT itself, with the specific focus on dealing with non-professional community content, will help drive take-up of MT in this new Web 2.0 paradigm.

The social impact of the project is highlighted in the participation of Traducteurs sans frontières - whose main focus is helping European NGOs provide better services in multilingual theatres of operations.


Potential impact (66 Kb, pdf)


The technology developed throughout the ACCEPT project will be made available in the form of demonstrators, which will be used by the forum and NGO community members. These demonstrators will fall into three categories: online source content checking, online MT editing (in both a monolingual and bilingual context) and online content evaluation. These demonstrators will be pivotal in ensuring that multilingual quality content can be produced by the communities managed by the two lead users (Symantec and Traducteurs sans frontières).