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Pierrette Bouillon

Prof. Dr.  Pierrette Bouillon 
Université de Genève, FTI/TIM/ISSCO (coordinator)

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Curriculum vitae

Pierrette Bouillon has been Professor at FTI, University of Geneva since 2007. She is currently Director of the TIM department and Vice-Doyenne of FTI. She has numerous publications in computational linguistics and natural language processing, particularly within lexical semantics, computational lexicography and machine translation. In the past, she participated in different EU projects (EAGLES/ISLE, MULTEXT, etc.) and was lead for three Swiss projects in machine translation: MEDSLT 1 and 2 (offering a system for spoken language translation of dialogues in the medical domain) and REGULUS (a platform for controlled spoken dialog application). She is currently head of the CALL-SLT project (a generic platform for CALL based on speech translation).

Link to personal website

Role in the project


Contributor to WP1, WP2, WP6, WP9 and WP10