University of Geneva


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Lexcelera is a pioneer in training and deploying machine translation in production environments. With the mission of innovating translation, Lexcelera was one of the first translation and localization companies in the world to demonstrate the benefits of real world MT deployments and is a leading provider of end-to-end machine translation services. CEO Lori Thicke has frequently been invited to present at international conferences and to write about various aspects of MT including productivity, ROI and quality.

Founded in Paris in 1986, Lexcelera was the first Language Service Provider in France to win ISO 9001 quality certification. In 1993, after being approached with a request for a paid translation project by Medecins sans frontières, Lexcelera decided to donate the translation instead, and Traducteurs sans frontières was born.

Since 1993, Lexcelera has supported Traducteurs sans frontières in order to enable the organisation to continue to donate translations to humanitarian NGOs. In 1999, TSF became an independent non- profit organisation in France. Through a network of volunteer translators around the world, TSF donates millions of words annually to NGOs such as Medecins sans frontières, Medecins du Monde, Action Against Hunger, Ashoka, Oxfam, UNICEF and Handicap International. In 2010, in order to ramp up its humanitarian work, Traducteurs sans frontières formed a sister organisation, Translators without Borders, a U.S. 501 (c) 3 non-profit, and assembled a Board of Directors representing the leading organisations in the translation and localisation industry. Lexcelera is the Business Name of Eurotexte SARL.

Role in the project
Lexcelera possesses extensive MT experience, while TSF is in a unique position to test and refine the technologies developed in ACCEPT in a non-profit environment. The scenarios where ACCEPT would be used are often fast-moving crisis situations where post-edited machine translation can provide a significant time savings when lives may hang in the balance. Lori Thicke is well known for her MT work at Lexcelera, as well as for her community work with Traducteurs sans frontières; she will bring this dual expertise to the project in terms of community post-editing of machine translation. Lexcelera staff will contribute their technical expertise to the project while the volunteer translators of TSF, managed by Lexcelera, will provide a highly motivated post-editing community. Lexcelera will also play a significant role in dissemination, helping to spread the word and encourage the use of the ACCEPT technologies for commercial as well as non-profit work.