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Work package 6

Community Development


The first objective is to build a volunteer community of members who will provide editing services for the NGO and forum content in the chosen languages. These members will have subject matter expertise and edit in their native tongue. The second objective of this package would be to organise outreach activities where technology can be demonstrated to potential users. Tutorials (or workshops) will be organised in the context of existing localisation conferences (or Community Collaboration or Translation conferences) and distance learning techniques for the communities active in the project. This WP will also coordinate the focused dissemination of resources via the project Web Site, in particular:

  • Seminar material on Pre-Editing (RE)
  • Seminar material on Post-Editing (RE)
  • Community Building Report on commercial forums (RE)
  • Community Building Report on non-commercial forums (RE)
  • Report on the methods used to reward community activity (RE).


WP6-DOW (65 Kb, pdf)